About Us
The Palmer Drug Abuse Program of Lea County (PDAP) is a non-profit organization, focused on providing free services to individuals and families affected by substance abuse.

Stewart Sroufe
Executive Director
Sara C. Sroufe
Senior Counselor & Prevention Coordinator
Shannon Pickering
Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselor
Donna Choate
Office Administrator
Service Dog
First, there is no charge for any of our services.
PDAP offers help to both teenagers and adults who want to find an alternative to drug and alcohol use of any kind. The program also offers help to anyone with a loved one who has a chemical dependency problem. These services are provided throughout four groups:
how PDAP works
Getting involved with PDAP is easy. You can attend one of our weekly meetings or give us a call. All of our counselors are also in recovery, so they understand.
Parent Group
Not only a group for parents but anyone that has a loved one with a drug and/or alcohol problem.
younger Group
This group is aimed at individuals between the ages of 12 and 17 with issues, personal or familial, directly related to drug or alcohol use.
Special people
This is a chemical dependency prevention program for children between the ages of 5 and 12.
Older Group
This is for those age 18 and over who have experienced negative consequences because of their own personal use of mind-changing chemicals.
